Monitor the organisation’s cybersecurity state, handle incidents during cyber-attacks
and assure the continued operations of ICT systems.
Monitor the organisation’s cybersecurity state, handle incidents during cyber-attacks
and assure the continued operations of ICT systems.
Monitors and assesses systems’ cybersecurity state. Analyses, evaluates and mitigates the impact of cybersecurity incidents. Identifies cyber incidents root causes and malicious actors. According to the organisation’s Incident Response Plan, restores systems’ and processes’ functionalities to an operational state, collecting evidences and documenting actions taken.
• Contribute to the development, maintenance and assessment of the Incident Response Plan
• Develop, implement and assess procedures related to incident handling
• Identify, analyse, mitigate and communicate cybersecurity incidents
• Assess and manage technical vulnerabilities
• Measure cybersecurity incidents detection and response effectiveness
• Evaluate the resilience of the cybersecurity controls and mitigation actions taken after a cybersecurity or data breach incident
• Adopt and develop incident handling testing techniques
• Establish procedures for incident results analysis and incident handling reporting
• Document incident results analysis and incident handling actions
• Cooperate with Secure Operation Centres (SOCs) and Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)
• Cooperate with key personnel for reporting of security incidents according to applicable legal framework
• Practice all technical, functional and operational aspects of cybersecurity incident handling and response
• Collect, analyse and correlate cyber threat information originating from multiple sources
• Work on operating systems, servers, clouds and relevant infrastructures
• Work under pressure
• Communicate, present and report to relevant stakeholders
• Manage and analyse log files
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