Collect, process, analyse data and information to produce actionable intelligence
reports and disseminate them to target stakeholders.
Collect, process, analyse data and information to produce actionable intelligence
reports and disseminate them to target stakeholders.
Manages cyber threat intelligence life cycle including cyber threat information collection, analysis and production of actionable intelligence and dissemination to security stakeholders and the CTI community, at a tactical, operational and strategic level. Identifies and monitors the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) used by cyber threat actors and their trends, track threat actors’ activities and observe how non-cyber events can influence cyber-related actions.
• Develop, implement and manage the organisation’s cyber threat intelligence strategy
• Develop plans and procedures to manage threat intelligence
• Translate business requirements into Intelligence Requirements
• Implement threat intelligence collection, analysis and production of actionable intelligence and dissemination to security stakeholders
• Identify and assess cyber threat actors targeting the organisation
• Identify, monitor and assess the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) used by cyber threat actors by analysing open-source and proprietary data, information and intelligence
• Produce actionable reports based on threat intelligence data
• Elaborate and advise on mitigation plans at the tactical, operational and strategic level
• Coordinate with stakeholders to share and consume intelligence on relevant cyber threats
• Leverage intelligence data to support and assist with threat modelling, recommendations for Risk Mitigation and cyber threat hunting
• Articulate and communicate intelligence openly and publicly at all levels
• Convey the proper security severity by explaining the risk exposure and its consequences to non-technical stakeholders
• Collaborate with other team members and colleagues
• Collect, analyse and correlate cyber threat information originating from multiple sources
• Identify threat actors TTPs and campaigns
• Automate threat intelligence management procedures
• Conduct technical analysis and reporting
• Identify non-cyber events with implications on cyber-related activities
• Model threats, actors and TTPs
• Communicate, coordinate and cooperate with internal and external stakeholders
• Communicate, present and report to relevant stakeholders
• Use and apply CTI platforms and tools
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