Perform cybersecurity audits on the organisation’s ecosystem. Ensuring compliance with statutory, regulatory, policy information, security requirements, industry standards and best practices.
Perform cybersecurity audits on the organisation’s ecosystem. Ensuring compliance with statutory, regulatory, policy information, security requirements, industry standards and best practices.
Conducts independent reviews to assess the effectiveness of processes and controls and the overall compliance with the organisation’s legal and regulatory frameworks policies. Evaluates, tests and verifies cybersecurity-related products (systems, hardware, software and services), functions and policies ensuring, compliance with guidelines, standards and regulations.
• Develop the organisation’s auditing policy, procedures, standards and guidelines
• Establish the methodologies and practices used for systems auditing
• Establish the target environment and manage auditing activities
• Define audit scope, objectives and criteria to audit against
• Develop an audit plan describing the frameworks, standards, methodology, procedures and auditing tests
• Review target of evaluation, security objectives and requirements based on the risk profile
• Audit compliance with cybersecurity-related applicable laws and regulations
• Audit conformity with cybersecurity-related applicable standards
• Execute the audit plan and collect evidence and measurements
• Maintain and protect the integrity of audit records
• Develop and communicate conformity assessment, assurance, audit, certification and maintenance reports
• Monitor risk remediation activities
• Organise and work in a systematic and deterministic way based on evidence
• Follow and practice auditing frameworks, standards and methodologies
• Apply auditing tools and techniques
• Analyse business processes, assess and review software or hardware security, as well as technical and organisational controls
• Decompose and analyse systems to identify weaknesses and ineffective controls
• Communicate, explain and adapt legal and regulatory requirements and business needs
• Collect, evaluate, maintain and protect auditing information
• Audit with integrity, being impartial and independent
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