Research the cybersecurity domain and incorporate results in cybersecurity solutions
Research the cybersecurity domain and incorporate results in cybersecurity solutions
Conducts fundamental/basic and applied research and facilitates innovation in the cybersecurity domain through cooperation with other stakeholders. Analyses trends and scientific findings in cybersecurity.
• Analyse and assess cybersecurity technologies, solutions, developments and processes
• Conduct research, innovation and development work in cybersecurity-related topics•
Manifest and generate research and innovation ideas
• Advance the current state-of-the-art in cybersecurity-related topics
• Assist in the development of innovative cybersecurity-related solutions
• Conduct experiments and develop a proof of concept, pilots and prototypes for cybersecurity solutions
• Select and apply frameworks, methods, standards, tools and protocols including a
building and testing a proof of concept to support projects
• Contributes towards cutting-edge cybersecurity business ideas, services and solutions
• Assist in cybersecurity-related capacity building including awareness, theoretical
training, practical training, testing, mentoring, supervising and sharing
• Identify cross-sectoral cybersecurity achievements and apply them in a different context or propose innovative approaches and solutions
• Lead or participate in the innovation processes and projects including project management and budgeting
• Publish and present scientific works and research and development results
• Generate new ideas and transfer theory into practice
• Decompose and analyse systems to identify weaknesses and ineffective controls
• Decompose and analyse systems to develop security and privacy requirements and identify effective solutions
• Monitor new advancements in cybersecurity-related technologies
• Communicate, present and report to relevant stakeholders
• Identify and solve cybersecurity-related issues
• Collaborate with other team members and colleagues
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