Ensure the cybercriminal investigation reveals all digital evidence to prove the malicious activity.
Ensure the cybercriminal investigation reveals all digital evidence to prove the malicious activity.
Connects artefacts to natural persons, captures, recovers, identifies and preserves data, including manifestations, inputs, outputs and processes of digital systems under investigation. Provides analysis, reconstruction and interpretation of the digital evidence based on a qualitative opinion. Presents an unbiased qualitative view without interpreting the resultant findings.
• Develop digital forensics investigation policy, plans and procedures
• Identify, recover, extract, document and analyse digital evidence
• Preserve and protect digital evidence and make it available to authorised stakeholders
• Inspect environments for evidence of unauthorised and unlawful actions
• Systematically and deterministic document, report and present digital forensic analysis findings and results
• Select and customise forensics testing, analysing and reporting techniques
• Work ethically and independently; not influenced and biased by internal or external actors
• Collect information while preserving its integrity
• Identify, analyse and correlate cybersecurity events
• Explain and present digital evidence in a simple, straightforward and easy to understand way
• Develop and communicate, detailed and reasoned investigation reports
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